YMC Term Restart

The YMC term will restart after half term on 25th February 2023. We are looking forward to an exciting term at YMC. YMC’s ensembles are preparing for the Winter Concert, which takes place on Saturday 25th March, 1pm at the…

Ellen Baumring-Gledhill

Meet our Alumni: Ellen Baumring-Gledhill

“YMC trained me very well for all aspects of my musical life – from the basics such as sitting up in orchestra and bringing a pencil to ensemble skills and the fundamentals of ensemble and orchestral playing.”

Getting to know: Theory Classes at YMC

“Music theory represents the language from which all music can be fully understood, performed and enjoyed. Learning how a piece is created can enhance one’s enjoyment of recreating a representation in performance, and provide a full awareness of the composer’s intentions.”

YMC – Word to Music Competition 2023

Please write phrases or mini poems to the piece Charade: You can write just one phrase (mini poem) or two. You can write something about YMC, or about the classes, you do at YMC, or the people you meet. You…

YMC Chamber Orchestra in rehearsal

YMC Half Term

YMC is now on half term for one week and classes will restart on 25th February 2023 at Bigwood House. Thank you to all who have contributed to a brilliant first half term of music making in 2023. Although classes…

YMC Term Restart

The YMC term will start on 17th September. We are looking forward to an exciting term at YMC and the start of a new academic year. YMC’s orchestra’s and choir are preparing for the Winter Concert, which takes place on…

Coming up at YMC!

The weekend of the 30th April/1st May is a busy one for YMC. In addition to our usual classes on a Saturday morning at Bigwood House, some of YMC’s orchestras will be performing at the North London Festival and the…

Baroque Masterclasses at YMC

On Sunday 24th October the critically acclaimed Feinstein Ensemble who specialises in historically accurate performance gave a masterclass to members of YMC in the Hampstead Garden Suburb Free Church. The afternoon involved teachers and students of YMC being guided through…

György Pauk – A life in Music

A wonderful book about the eventful life of our Patron György Pauk. A must read! It is fascinating and moving. You can order via The Strad Website: https://www.thestradshop.com/store/thestrad/gyorgy-pauk/