At YMC we provide high quality teaching at very competitive prices. Below is a link to our fees and an enquiry/enrolment form. There are discounts for multiple classes and siblings.
Assisted places are available. Please get in touch with us for more details:
If you would like to apply for financial support towards YMC fees you can fill in our bursary form and send it to
You can download the bursary form here:
Enrolment 2024-25
Conditions of Enrolment
- One enrolment covers the complete academic year. I.e. when an enrolment form is filled out it is assumed that the child is attending for the full academic year.
- Payment is termly in advance with the first term’s payment being made at the time of enrolment and payment for subsequent terms being made when invoices are issued at the end of the previous term.
- Should you wish to remove your child from any activity notice is required when invoices are issued for the following term. However ensemble players are expected to attend for all three terms of the academic year.
- Acceptance into an ensemble is dependent on the advance agreement that a) the child attends for the whole academic year and b) every attempt is made to attend all rehearsals. If weekend activities – school entrance examinations, rehearsals for other concerts, sports fixtures, trips abroad, etc. – are likely to intervene then an ensemble is not recommended for that child.
- All the children are asked to sing/play to our music staff in order to be assessed for the most appropriate class, ensemble, choir or orchestra for them. Assessments take place in the summer term.
- Do let us know if your child has any special needs. This will help us meet those needs.
- Holidays should not be booked during term time.
- Any unavoidable absence should be mentioned in advance to the class teacher/conductor wherever possible.
- Please ensure that children arrive promptly for activities each week.
- Please see that music handed out by teachers/conductors is well looked after and brought to rehearsals each week. Missing parts/folders will be charged for.
- Except when invited by the teacher, parents are not normally expected to sit in on classes. However during instrumental tuition of a young child attendance at lessons will enable the parent/carer to see which areas are to be practised.
- We reserve the right to discontinue any class if there are too few children.
- Performing at YMC concerts/festivals is an integral part of participation at the Centre, thus concert dates should be kept free for children to attend. These are advertised in the termly newsletters, on the website and in specific information sheets.
- In the rare event that extra rehearsals outside Saturday mornings are arranged – e.g. for choir or orchestra prior to a special performance – all performers are expected to attend. As much advance notice as possible of times and places for such rehearsals will be given.
- Parents of children starting instrumental lessons should discuss in advance with the specific teacher the child’s suitability for the instrument.
- Please pick up the Newsletter at the beginning of term and note its contents.
- Please refer regularly to our website – www.youthmusiccentre.uk – for the latest news and information.
- The school premises and café area are to be treated with respect. Rubbish is not to be left on the tables or floor, the toilet area is to be used responsibly, the trees on the front lawn are not to be climbed, younger children are to be supervised and kept under control in the corridors, parents are not to drive up the driveway or use it for parking.
- Occasionally a photographer will take photos at YMC for promotional purposes and for our website. We will assume that your are okay with this unless you tell us otherwise.