Junior Musicianship
These are pre instrumental musicianship classes which are organised into small groups for our youngest YMC members between the ages of 2-6 years. These classes run every half hour through the Saturday morning arranged by age.
The aim of the classes is to explore the basic concepts of music ie. rhythm and pitch, while inviting different forms of expression (through music, speech, drawing, etc), developing the singing voice and offering the chance to play with various small musical instruments.
The class combines the Kodaly method – a system of corresponding syllable names and hand-signs to represent the intervalic relationship between the notes of any key, and rhythm syllables to express the duration of the note values – and the Orff method – a ‘child-centred’ approach which combines music, movement, drama and speech incorporating the use of small musical instruments and inviting improvisation. Special attention is given to inner hearing, memorising, co-ordination and expressivity.